18 May Kenya and Nigeria are Prime eCommerce and mCommerce Markets with Easy Online Payment

eCommerce is growing rapidly in emerging markets and there is talk that online sales’ share of total sales will be greater than in developed economies.  Although it is off a lower base, this has big implications for multinational ecommerce and mcommerce companies who want to ride the crest of the wave.  

Bill Gates once said something to the effect that his success was attributable to his choice of a growing need and industry, and if one chooses carefully, and does a reasonable job then you hang on for the ride and enjoy the benefits.   

In addition to growing internet access, the African consumer market is growing fast as a result of employment rates and increasing incomes.  This emerging eCommerce consumer market is becoming attractive to multinational eCommerce companies.

These metrics position certain emerging markets like Kenya and Nigeria as prime target eCommerce and mCommerce markets for multinational eCommerce and mCommerce companies looking for new growth and less competition.

African Payment Solutions has enabled M-Pesa for payment online in Kenya and Debit Card for payment online in Nigeria.    

Our thanks to http://dazeinfo.com/2015/07/20/what-does-growth-in-emerging-markets-mean-for-e-commerce/ for their content inspiration