19 May African eCommerce and Online Payment - Intra-trade Paving the Way for Multinational eCommerce Companies Expanding Across Africa

Nigeria - Kenya - South Africa

Online payment solutions;  - Online credit card payments; eCommerce payments; M-Pesa payments for eCommerce

African consumers are increasingly connected and downloading of mobile applications is most prevalent in South Africa, Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria.  These countries are also the most eCommerce-active countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

African Payment Solutions is focusing on Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa as the hubs for multinational eCommerce merchants expanding across the continent.  Connectivity, demand and logistics are more developed than in other Sub-Saharan countries.

Intra-African trade is paving the way for multinational eCommerce trade and is stimulating eCommerce and mCommerce activity.  More than 36% of Nigerian shopping is cross-border trade in Africa.

African payment methods are critical for multinational eCommerce and mCommerce success.  Nigeria is predominantly debit card, Kenya is M-Pesa and debit cards, and South Africa a combination of credit cards, debit cards and automated EFT (SID).  These unique African card and mobile payment methods for online payment can be processed through a single integration.

More than 500m Sub-Saharans will have a mobile by 2020.  Most eCommerce is done on a mobile in Africa so it is an imperative that these payment methods are supported.  More than 30m Nigerians have shopped online at least once.

If you are a multinational eCommerce company or a collecting PSP expanding across Africa, contact African Payment Solutions now.


Our thanks for inspiration to http://venturesafrica.com/south-africa-just-beat-kenya-and-nigeria-in-mobile-application-downloads/